On a mound in an irregularly shaped compound on the West side of a truncated arm of the old A1 alignment.
LOCKED The compound is at the top of a bank with steps up from the road leading to a locked gate. There are two further sets of two steps up the mound from within the compound. All surface features remain intact but the top of the access shaft was rebuilt (1989) and a new, larger, hatch (Torlift) fitted. There is some flaking of the beige paint. A metal dome on the ventilation shaft and three guying points indicates this was a master post. The hatch is locked and a security plug fitted so it can only be opened with a Torlift key. Internally much remains although the post is in a mess. The following furniture is still in place: table, shelf, cupboard, to original folding canvas chairs, one other chair and a stool. Other artifacts include 2 mattresses, 8 Jerry cans full of water, four pairs of Wellington boots, pump handle (for pump up aerial), poster, papers, pots and pans, utensils, BPI and FSM mounts, cape, copper earth straps, coax, BT junction boxes, wiring, spare gaskets for FSM dome, two battery boxes, waste bin, cans of paint, bucket, ash tray (full), battery switching box, broom, spade, pick axe, dustpan/brush, bible, teapot, box of printing out paper, dome handle, mirror, 3 pillows, map of posts, small splint and cutlery. The post was sold in 2003.
Reported externally in good condition in March 2008, freshly painted.
Opened in 1961 and closed in 1991.