On hilltop 300 yards South of Weights Farm on Weights Lane.
OPEN The post had been built on the edge of a sand pit. Since closure, sand extraction has continued around the post and now both shafts and four feet of the monitoring room itself are exposed. Both the FSM and BPI pipes are broken off although the full length of the FSM pipe is lying on the floor of the monitoring room. All the louvres are missing and the top of the ventilation shaft is bent over 90 degrees hanging by its re-enforcing rods. The other ventilation shaft is also damaged. The hatch is missing and the ladder has been removed although there is a wooden ladder in the shaft. According to the landowner, the post was filled with sand after closure to stop children playing in it but, unknown to the farmer, the monitoring room appears to have been cleared of sand with only about 9" covering the floor. The toilet recess is still half full of sand. Two spades are leaning against the wall. The two internal doors are missing and only the twin bunks and a single bed remain in place.
Opened in 1963 and closed in 1968.